Welcome to Grammar Forge
Grammar Forge was created to help people all over the world to have better written English.
If your words don’t grab them, if they don’t make sense, or if your words are hard to read, then you could lose your customers. You want to look good in an international marketplace. You won’t look so good if your words let you down. You need your web page, your presentation or your instruction manual to look professional. Grammar Forge can give you that look.
The ideas are yours, the original words are yours.
Grammar Forge takes your words and turns them into correct English so that you can get your message across to your audience more clearly.
Using your own words as a starting point, Grammar Forge will find the right words and correct the spelling and grammar, giving you the professional look and feel that you want for your web page or document.
Simply upload your document using the buttons to the left, use your PayPal account to pay the quote fee and Grammar Forge will assess your document. Once we have examined your document we will give you a quote to correct it. When you choose to go ahead with the corrections offered, your document is usually returned to you for your ok and final payment in less than 5 working days.
You may have English as a second language and can read it well, but reading it is very different to writing it. This is where Grammar Forge can help. Even people who speak English as a first language can have a hard time writing it well. Trying to write good English when it is not your first language, can be almost impossible. Just upload your document by using the buttons to the left and your words will be able to give the message you want.
A note to native English speakers :- Some of the phrasing used on these pages may look a little stilted or awkward to you. Just remember, these pages aren’t written for you, they are written for people with English as a second language, so clarity is the objective, rather than style.